Monday, October 20, 2008

We aren't very good still.

Sad faces.

Let me explain.

The Lions are bad. Very very very very very bad. We played a game in the first half that was expected from any team other than the Chiefs/Bengals. In the second half, we almost gave that game away. I was seriously still thinking of Indy a couple weeks ago when the Lions kept showing signs of life.

96 yard TD to Calvin Johson?
That almost fucked me in fantasy, since Jimmy has C.J. and we played a really really close game.
Outcome: We came into the late game last night tied... All Ike Hilliard had to do was catch one pass for 10+ yards. Well on his first attempt to catch a ball, he was sandwiched by 2 defenders. Knocked unconcious, looking like a paralyzed deer that had just been shot by a hunter. Shitty way to win a game in fantasy, but I gotta take it... its only my second win of the season.

Speaking of Fantasy... I have been seriously unlucky. My record is NOT indicative of how my team is playing. I can understand losing when you put up 65, but i've put up over 80 points a few times now and lost. I was tied at 86 last night before winning. I should be in the middle of the pack, but looks like im going to be fighting for the last playoff spot. 2-4-1. That tie is totally going to fuck me somehow.

Blog rivalry? What can I say... Its hard to believe the Texans win more than 6 or 7 games this year and the Titans are allready 6-0. Their defense is awesome and they have an incredible running game. The only thing left I can do is take jabs at VY... and the only one I can do is "Have fun watching your team in the playoffs from the bench" and that is pretty lame.

I can be optimistic still, even if the Titans own face this year, because...... The Cowboys. These guys are making me happy in the pants, because they look like a spiraling dove after you blast it with a 12 gauge. Now, I think they will have enough this season to make the postseason because this year no team is great... but don't you just see the playoff collapse that we've seen over the last 2 years? I do. Fuck yeah.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Is the Jerry chasin' it?

Rome made an interesting point today. He compared Jerry Jones to a gambling addict chasing his losses. An extreme compulsive personality. Someone who cannot control himself. In this case, buying players.

First, lets review some recent history.

-Signed Adam "Pacman" Jones. In my opinion is second only to Michael Vick on the controversy meter. Was suspended for a year by the commish. Just got suspended for 4 games (and depending on when he has to get re-instated again, maybe more.) Not to mention, may be (you know "allegedly") responsible for:

  • Spitting on 2 different women, on different occasions
  • Obstruction of justice
  • Grabbing a stripper by the hair and slamming her head against the stage (Las Vegas shooting incident)
  • Threatening to kill a man (L.V. shooting incident)
  • Conspiracy to commit various crimes

It has also been confirmed that Jones has been a distraction to the Cowboys organization by other players. He has only participated in 6 games for the Cowboys.

The pros of having Jones: Hes an above average punt returner and an above average corner back.

-Signed Tank Johnson. Might not have as many legal troubles on his jacket as Jones, but he's no angel. He was also suspended by the league, and has served jail time for crimes committed during his time as an NFL player. A player who has 77 tackles in 5 years, and averages a sack a year.

-Signed Zach Thomas. Good pick up. Is this a star name pick up though? A Jerry impulse buy? I'm guilty of this during fantasy drafts if I'm not sure of someone who is higher up on a projected list.

-Picked up Roy Williams yesterday. So you're stud QB goes down for a few weeks, and one of your corners gets suspended. Your other stud CB is sidelined with injuries. You're star wide receiver is already bitching about throws to him. So the first thing you think about is getting another star type WR who feeds off touches? For 3 draft picks no less. I've seen this "win now at all costs mentality"... it was called the New York Yankees over the last few years. It hasn't worked.

This leads me to believe that Jerry Jones is not a very effective owner when it comes to building a team. This also makes me feel good inside. Although, these signings give the Cowboy fans these false feelings of security when bragging about their team, which is very annoying.

While I'm listing reasons why Jerry Jones sucks, let me start listing other things the Cowboys piss me off about.

  • It is widely acknowledged that one of the intentions for the Cowboys new football stadium was to ensure that the only Superbowl's in Texas will be hosted in Dallas.
  • It is widely accepted that Cowboys upper management believe a "circus, reality TV-type" atmosphere helps the franchise.
  • T.O. cried on national television after a loss that he should have sucked up.
  • T.O. probably knew what he was doing with that whole "committing suicide incident."
  • T.O. has verbally assaulted both quarterbacks he's had relationships with (after the fact no less!) before coming to the Cowboys, but cries for a quarterback to "stand up for him."
  • Signed a guy who actually thinks a strip club is a "script club."
  • Same guy thinks the proper use for being rebellious is "being rebellion."

Sad to say it, but I will feel no sympathy for that man when his skeletor body finally fails him. Hopefully someone takes that franchise over soon and makes it respectable. I'll still hate the fucking team, but maybe I can shut this blog thing down.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Not to be a negative nancy...

But you don't just get in my good graces by winning one. Schaub, you are still a fucking plague. You aren't a starting QB. You just aren't. Sage is not either, so we're fucked.

...but on with the show...

>Donovan wrote:
"It was a head to head blog rivalry fantasy matchup, and I didn't think to hype it! It all comes down to Braylon Edwards. If he puts up 22 points, I'm gonna be pissed."

You know how awkward a feeling it is to watch Andre Johnson tear it up, and be pissed off at the same time?

And that fucking Marion Barber 70 yard TD was total Arizona toilet defense

My team sucks D... Braylon has 1 TD on the season, don't worry.

>The Texans finally won a game. Whatever.

And had they not have that gene inside the team that Bud Adams somehow implanted into our city before he left we should be 3-2.

But Dallas did find a way to lose that game which makes me happy. Houston win and Dallas lose? This will probably be the only week that happens this year. How did Dallas lose that anyway? The refs were blatantly trying to give it to the Cowboys and they choke jobbed it right into embarrasment. Not like the Indy choke job we put up last week, but come on its Arizona. They aren't allowed to win games...

Here's to Braylon getting 21 points tonight so I can stay a 1 win team, but have the slimmest margins of defeat ever.

*EDIT: I'm down 31 points. I don't know why Donovan picked the number 22 earlier, but I'm gonna need 30 frmo Braylon to lose by 1.END EDIT*

Friday, October 10, 2008

Listicles and such.

I don't want to talk about sports. Rockets are about to start. I'm allready writing off this season for the Texans.

Few music listicles then?

You won't ever hear any of these on the radio
Guitar solos you need to hear before you die:
Tornado of souls - Megadeth (Marty Friedman)
Reach Down - Temple of the Dog (Mike McCready)*
Blue Sky - The Allman Brothers (Duane Allman/Dickey Betts)
Soothsayer - Buckethead
The air I breathe - All that Remains (Oli Herbert)
Mr. Crowley - (Randy Rhoads)

*According to wikipedia: "McCready performed an epic 4-minute-plus solo for "Reach Down". According to [Chris]Cornell, McCready's headphone monitors flew off halfway through the recording of the solo, and he played the rest without being able to hear the backing track. McCready considers this track to be one of his proudest moments"

Thats fucking awesome!!!

What music is interesting me as of now:
Coheed and Cambria - rocking. The story behind the albums is fucking weird! I cannot explain.
Some older stuff like Yes, The Doobie Brothers, Neil Young, and Bad Company
And motherfucken Queens of the Stone Age. Mosquito song is quickly rising on my list of favorite songs ever. Songs for the Deaf is win.

Shit that is on its way out of my mind and im not proud of ever being fond of:
Dragonforce - Holy balls, you play really really fast and make nintendo noises with your guitar.
Seether - ugh
Not hearing "Bridge of Sighs" until I was 24 years old.
Listening to people try to explain why Megadeth is better than Metallica or vice versa.

Random YouTube badass. (Well hes not really a youtube freak, but you wouldn't have known of him)

Unbeatable technique + great melody

Monday, October 6, 2008

To my state of mind 2 months ago:

Take your optimism and shove it up your fucking ass.

It's only natural to be optimisic about your teams before the season starts. Next year, just don't. Don't think the Astros have a chance. Don't worry about the Texans top 5 draft pick. Don't worry about the first round playoff exit for the Rockets. Don't blink an eye when Tracy and Yao go down this year. Don't flinch when Andre Johnson goes down with a hamstring. Don't bat an eye when Roy tears his rotator cuff.

I'm going to snap today. Heres why:
I drank alot on Saturday, and its been a while since i've had a really bad hangover.
I'm still kind of hungover today.
Sage Rosenfels
Oilers are 5-0
I'm at work

I seriously had been in a good mood the last couple of weeks, even with the Texans throwing every game down the toilet. Yesterday takes the fucking cake though. The Colts did everything to lose that game yesterday, and all but one Texans player did everything they could to win. The first fumble, I knew it was over. I figured 17 points would be hard for Peyton to do by himself, but when you spot him points for no fucking apparent reason at all, he is going to win. We would've had a better chance had we just knelt it 3 times and punted.

At this point, whats the point write about the blog rivarly anymore?
The Oilers can't be THAT good right?
I full expect a losing streak at some point in the season, followed by a appearance in the playoffs with a quick exit. That's just how they are.Much like the Texans are perceived as the team that will never be respected. Sure, we might catch you're team by surprise and win a game every now and then... For the most part, teams are going to come in ready for a win. They are going to try us on 4th down. They are going to throw downfield.

I don't want to write anymore, I kinda wish we go 0-16 so we can be in the record books. I just want to walk around saying we suck all day.

we suck we suck we suck
we suck
we suck
we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck
we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck
we suck we suck
we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck
we suck we suck
we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck we suck

Friday, October 3, 2008

I want to rub it in.

How do you like it, faggots?
Yea. I'm talking about you Cub fan.
You're down 2-0 going to LA. Thank you!!!

Now I hope LA can close that out.

Next up: Boston.
Leave us from this post-season oh lord. And deliver us from the Papelbon, because thine is a faggot and a homo forever. Amen.

oh, and Youkalis is ugly.

In all seriousness. My night classes are totally fucking me from watching this. The Cubs and Brewers are both about to get owned in the post-season and I haven't watched one half inning of this shit yet.

Heres to the weekend. I no longer drink, but I'll raise my glass of tea or whatever to the sweeping sounds of the Phillies and Dodgers.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I have nothing.

I don't want to speak.

Want my baseball post-season predictions?
No? Fuck it I have nothing anyway.

Boston v LAA - Boston in 5
Chicago v Tampa - Rays in 6
Boston over Rays in 5

Milwaukee over Philly in 4
LA over Milwaukee in 7 (CC's arm finally shuts down for the season)

LA over Boston in 6, Manny killing the Sox all series.

Yes, this will not happen I know

In other news,

>Rage Against The Machine - who reformed last year - are to record a new full-length.
The band is in talks with former label Sony and the record is mooted for next year. A source said: "We're hopeful, but a new album is far from definite."
Clear as mud, then. Meanwhile, RATM will play their first UK gigs since their 2000 split at the Reading and Leeds fests this summer.

Speculation for the win. Please make another album. Even if it sucks in comparison, it still won't suck.