Friday, May 16, 2008

The flopping is out of hand.

I don't know if you can get more angry at a T.V., than when Tim Duncan falls over when a snowflake grazes his toe, and the ref's call 98 fouls on the snowflake.

Duncan... backing it in... he spins!
*League suspends the snowflake*

It sucks that we, as Rockets fans, have to be associated with Robert Horry. Atleast on a small level. Unfortunately, Horry is now the equivalent of: guy who tries to gouge eyeballs out in football dogpiles, or . . . guy who bashes ice skater's knee or . . . guy who gases, burns, shoots, stabs, and drowns millions of people in the 1930s and 40s.

We can't accept Berkman not hitting .400. Terrible! Fucking Terrible! Unacceptable!
I like looking down at the Cards in the standings. Makes me feel like takin a big ole dump from above them. Take my shit Pujols! Does it feel good on your head?

This is my dream (and if this is possible, i want to know how): I want to get a shitload of sound bytes from Major League, and Jim Rome and have a way to play them in public. Becuase whats better than saying the major league quotes while watching an astros game, than having the soundbytes right there. And rome is just funny to me, It would just make me laugh all the time. I could manually buzzer annoying people at the bar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've heard the flopping is bad, but these playoffs are fucking unwatchable anyway. Every time I switch to a game, the home team is up by 15-20.

Game 7s are good, but I'd like some decent games along the way.