Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Where is football season?

Every year I think June won't be that bad.

Here's a typical Friday for single 24 year old such as myself:
Someone: Hey, wanna go to the bar?
Me: Ok, shit why not.

10 minutes later

Me: Ok. Astros losing again. Thats fine... hey something else is on thats fun to watch right. La crosse? Thats seriously on t.v.? Classic gladiators?

Drink too much and pass out from bordem.

Atleast during football season it's easy to start up a never-ending hot-tempered conversation about how Oregon has a great team, or how the Patriots will blow it again. Why? Because its everywhere during football season. All around you people have some opinion.

September comes around and football is in full force, and baseball is winding down to the nitty gritty. Too bad the Astros are on suicide watch in June.

Hopeful Texans prediction: 10-6 winning the Wild Card.
Probable: 8-8 again, 3rd in division.

Concerning College football... I like the 'Horns and all, but does anyone else think they are running on fumes? Where's the star power? Tech has beefed up, and who knows what Sherman can do in college station... OU will forever be the fucking yankees of the big 12.

in the words of Money May: "Step yo GAME UP" UT

/ramble off

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