Friday, September 19, 2008

Say good night. Tomorrow will bring better fortunes.

Heres a link to a google image search for the word fail.

Every picture listed is dedicated to the Astros play since Ike. I'm not blaming these guys for anything. Hey, you can't live in a lie forever, and those guys weren't a 14 of 15 game winner type of team. What I'm referring to as fail is the opportunity lost. Had we ---and before I say this, I know that baseball is much different than a sport where guts can factor in a lot more like football. I know guts and sheer will aren't going to help you hit a Zambrano heater--- stared adversity in the face, beat it with a fucking stick, and shoved it up the whole NL's ass... This would have been a national story. One we would tell our kids, and grandchildren. One almost as great as the Katrina/Saints thing (and even Houston had probably the most generous part in that whole thing, but who talks about that right?). Had we flown into Milwaukee and ripped 2 from the Cubs, and had gone to Florida riding a ridiculous high, the Astros would get a ton more positive attention in the national media.

Now? We are perceived as cry babies who blame a hurricane for our lost season.

Ike was rough on the area, but shouldn't be a factor in the season. Theres never one reason to blame anything in a 162 game season. If you're a BoSox fan, you can't even blame Bucky Dent's home run for that season... because weren't the Red Sox up by 8 games at the end of August?

The good thing about being an Astros fan, and all my friends with me that are Astros fan: Every year we honestly think its possible to win it all, and im looking forward to next year in our push for a world series. Even if I know in my heart of hearts its bullshit, I still like knowing it could happen.

Let's do it in '09!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To '09!!
