Friday, December 19, 2008

Red Sox find new way of sticking their Beantown (and probably tiny) dick in Yankees butt.

I don't like the Red Sox, like pretty much anyone outside of Boston now-a-days, but long before I've hated the Boston area - I've FUCKING DESPISED the Yankees (side note: I'm no writer, and I have no idea how to construct that sentence). So sometimes, I find it necessary to say "hey you guys aren't so bad sometimes when you slap the Yankees around like Tina Turner."

Here's one of these times.

The media is going to make this sound like the Yankees are geniuses, and the Red Sox are failures. The Yankees sign 2 coveted starting pitchers, the Red Sox pull out of the Texierearerareara deal.

This is just a way for the Red Sox to say, "look you fucking retards, not only are you mental for blowing eleventy billion dollars on free agency, we aren't even going to sign this guy and still beat you."

I've already laid out my stance on C.C. And AJ? (Imagine me sitting at a table with the Yankees brass and Brown/Pavano/Johnson/younameit standing behind me) Tell me the truth guys, did you pull a Bill Clinton and look for the closest thing you could find with a vagina?

I would like to call Tesh-ara an "85." Meaning he's 85% of what a "team's best player" should be. No way should he get 20 something million dollars a year.

Stick your chest out today Yankee fan, its going to hurt in 2012 when the payroll is 400 million and you still get beat by the 40 million Rays.

This happens everytime, I spend so much time ranting that I forget shit and I end up some place way off from where I started. I hate blogging. Fuck this!

1 comment:

Donovan said...

The thing that annoys me about the Yankees is that they make terrible decisions and sign all sorts of shitty free agents to ridiculous deals, but they have so much money, it doesn't matter. They're so rich they can afford to be fucking stupid. The Astros can't afford to be fucking stupid, but that doesn't stop them!

If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be loaded.

I'm afraid to look at this offseason. Every time I do, we've non-tendered our 3rd best hitter or thre's talk of signing some shitty career-AAA player. I live in fear that Ed Wade might've decided that David Eckstein can play 3rd base.

It sucks to be an Astros fan. We've got our dicks all covered in shit and the ownership doesn't know or care. I'm afraid we're in for a Detroit Lions style era of futility.

Ed Wade is a full on retard. He went full retarded. You never go full retard!

And Drayton McClane is a cheap bitch.