Friday, February 6, 2009

There is like, nothing to post about.


I don't care about basketball. Football is dead. Baseball is still a ways away.

Random news:
  • Texans apparently violated some rules about contact in minicamp or something. Who cares.
  • Phelps ganja smoking? Why is this such a big deal?
  • Crossfit stuff is still hurting me everytime I do it. I haven't got the nerve to try 3 in a week yet.
  • Finally got a tube amp. It's great, but I still don't agree with those elitist guys who say solid state amps are terrible no matter what. Amp doesn't make the player.
  • Uhhhh?



Donovan said...

Word, yo.

I only care about Kevin Durant in regards to basketball.

I foresee an ugly, ugly baseball season for the Astros.

College basketball is always entertaining, but Texas sucks this year.

Crossfit is very hard. Work in an extra session, give yourself a couple weeks to adapt to the extra stress, then look into adding another WOD. The ideal is 3 on 1 off or 5 on 2 off. That's a lot of work, though.

I built up to 3x crossfit + 2 lifting sessions a week over a couple months. Every time I tried to add in an extra session beyond that = crash and burn. I wouldn't be able to sleep... I'd fucking mood swings... Aches and injuries would suddenly develop.

Every few weeks extra rest is a good idea, too. I was pretty adapted to the 5 workouts a week I was doing, but if Crossfit was especially hard or there was extra stress (work related, not enough sleep, whatever) I'd feel it quick.

My first sign of overtraining is not being able to get to sleep easily.

Did you go all tube? Or is it a tube-pre with solid state? All tube is nice. That growly/grit thing is like nothing else.

But it's all player. I sound like me whatever I play on.

Anonymous said...


Its all tube. It's a combo too and it is fucking heavy!

I still have my line6 solid state for effects and stuff I guess.

Donovan said...

Peavy makes some good stuff. No frills but you can get a lotta mileage out of it. It's not a sexy name like Marshall or some shit, (begin divergent rant) but you guitar players pay some ridiculous prices for things. I can't believe how expensive Les Paul's are, for example. It's a factory instrument for fuck's sake, how are those things over 4 grand?

I mean, I'd like to pretend I'm Duane Allman, too, but not for fucking $4000.

I've got a 4x10 cab that I swear they decided to chuck some lead weights in just for the fuck of it. It's the heaviest cabinet for it's size that I've ever seen.

I have to fight obsessive, gear-collecting impulses. Were money no object, my place would be filled with electronics and ridiculous stringed instruments I'd never play.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. I was given a LP because my dad swears by them and he's alot richer than I am. I would never spend that much on a guitar unless as you put it, money were no object. I was content with my line6, but my friend was dumping gear because he's moving to san marcos and let it go to me for damn cheap.

Well, atleast your cab would be considered "picking up heavy stuff."

Donovan said...

You ever listen to Protest the Hero?

Proggy-metal stuff. Check out their album Fortress.

I like it.

Good musicians. Way too young. Assholes.

Anonymous said...

You know I did once. It was hard to get past the guys voice for me, I don't know why. One of those things I guess. I do usually hear good things about them though.