Tuesday, May 20, 2008


After Lester's no hitter last night

Just another boring night in Boston sports. It's hard god damn work being this awesome at everything. It must suck so bad to live anywhere but here.

This is why its so easy to hate sports teams/cities that have a ton of recent success. That quote is from barstoolsports.com, and It would be EXACLTY what I would say if Houston had as much success as Boston has over the last few years.

Fuck the Spurs, Cowboys, Mavericks, for having more success in recent years that us. And fuck the Rangers for owning us every damn year. Damnit. Why can't we be dominating? I would shove it in so many peoples faces. I would be worse than any Yankee fan you've ever met.

1 comment:

Donovan said...

Uh, how bout them Dynamo?

I think that's the worst part about supporting Houston sports teams -- the only team that's won anything since the Rockets in the mid 90s is a fucking soccer team, and nobody cares about soccer.