Friday, April 25, 2008


Blog is a retarded word. This is not a blog. This is just where we can post thoughts on many different subjects. These posts may or may not be interesting, but it's a forum that will allow for more sober thoughts, and getting spit on less from bar patrons explaining that Wade Miller was not a 20-game winner. We use "we" because it is the new fad. It's surprisingly fun to refer to yourself as we. Try it.

We needed an excuse to bitch at all the cowboy fans, the Mexican cowboy fans, the Mavericks fans, and all the Mexican Dallas fans that are Mexican who are stuck in our fair city of Houston. It gets especially fun to bitch about it when they call into sports radio programs, or even call you out publicly at games. One day, we will make a t-shirt that says Move to Dallas. This will in turn get everyone to move to Dallas, and we can take this thing down. Even funnier than all the Dallas fans in Houston is all the native Houstonians that are Dallas fans. We imagine this is much like being a Japan fan in 1942, in the U.S. Unfortunately, we cannot drop 110 megatons of nuclear domination on your city.

Much like my friends over at Dookie Cigar, we expect to have very few readers. Also much like those guys, we have the exact same fucking template. This is because has exactly zero templates worth ANYTHING. Fuck. In retrospect, we should have called this thing "mindless babble."

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